一个常见误区是:使用硬件必需一个“操作系统”。Forth 编程语言作者 Chuck Moore 的访谈节选(《Masterminds of Programming》 by Federico Biancuzzi):

(访问者) On one hand you have a language that really enables people to develop their own vocabularies and not necessarily think about the hardware presentation. On the other hand, you have a very small kernel that’s very much tied to that hardware. It’s interesting how Forth can bridge the gap between the two. On some of these machines, is it true that you have no operating system besides your Forth kernel?

Chuck: No, Forth is really standalone. Everything that needs to exist is in the kernel.

(访问者)But it abstracts away that hardware for people who write programs in Forth.

Chuck: Right.

(访问者)The Lisp Machine did something similar, but never really was popular. Forth quietly has done that job.

Chuck: Well, Lisp did not address I/O. In fact, C did not address I/O and because it didn’t, it needed an operating system. Forth addressed I/O from the very beginning. I don’t believe in the most common denominator. I think that if you go to a new machine, the only reason it’s a new machine is because it’s different in some way and you want to take advantage of those differences. So, you want to be there at the input-output level so you can do that.