Rust 在线摸索(五):trait之零
为了更明白某个广为流传的 Rust 反面例程,暂停错误处理部分学习,先看 trait。仍用 在线环境 运行。
trait 意为 特性,初看有点像接口(interface)。
Dolly pauses briefly... baaaaah!
Dolly gets a haircut!
Dolly pauses briefly... baaaaah?
开始中文化,有一处 Animal
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared type `Animal`
--> src/
62 | let mut dolly: Sheep = Animal::new("Dolly");
| ^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `Animal`
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0433`.
这里用的术语是 ‘type’,为何不用 ‘trait’呢?难道 trait 是 type 的一种,仅靠上下文无法确定吗?
继续中文化,不大明白为何要在实现 绵羊
之前先定义一个同名 struct。
一路顺利,直到在把 is_naked 改名后,八个错:
error: unknown start of token: \u{ff1f}
--> src/
18 | fn 光着?(&self) -> bool {
| ^^
help: Unicode character '?' (Fullwidth Question Mark) looks like '?' (Question Mark), but it is not
18 | fn 光着?(&self) -> bool {
| ~
error: unknown start of token: \u{ff1f}
--> src/
--> src/
46 | if self.光着?() {
| ^^
help: Unicode character '?' (Fullwidth Question Mark) looks like '?' (Question Mark), but it is not
46 | if self.光着?() {
| ~
error: missing parameters for function definition
--> src/
18 | fn 光着?(&self) -> bool {
| ^
help: add a parameter list
18 | fn 光着()?(&self) -> bool {
| ++
error: expected one of `->`, `<`, `where`, or `{`, found `?`
--> src/
17 | impl 绵羊 {
| - while parsing this item list starting here
18 | fn 光着?(&self) -> bool {
| ^^ expected one of `->`, `<`, `where`, or `{`
32 | }
| - the item list ends here
error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be applied to values that implement `Try`
--> src/
46 | if self.光着?() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ the `?` operator cannot be applied to type `bool`
= help: the trait `Try` is not implemented for `bool`
error[E0277]: the `?` operator can only be used in a method that returns `Result` or `Option` (or another type that implements `FromResidual`)
--> src/
45 | fn 嘶鸣(&self) -> &'static str {
| ------------------------------ this function should return `Result` or `Option` to accept `?`
46 | if self.光着?() {
| ^^ cannot use the `?` operator in a method that returns `&str`
= help: the trait `FromResidual<_>` is not implemented for `&str`
error[E0599]: no method named `剃毛` found for struct `绵羊` in the current scope
--> src/
1 | struct 绵羊 { 光着: bool, 名字: &'static str }
| ----------- method `剃毛` not found for this struct
66 | dolly.剃毛();
| ^^^^ method not found in `绵羊`
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0599.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
struct 绵羊 { 光着: bool, 名字: &'static str }
trait 动物 {
// Associated function signature; `Self` refers to the implementor type.
fn new(名字: &'static str) -> Self;
// Method signatures; these will return a string.
fn 名字(&self) -> &'static str;
fn 嘶鸣(&self) -> &'static str;
// Traits can provide default method definitions.
fn 发声(&self) {
println!("{} says {}", self.名字(), self.嘶鸣());
impl 绵羊 {
fn 是否光着(&self) -> bool {
fn 剃毛(&mut self) {
if self.是否光着() {
// Implementor methods can use the implementor's trait methods.
println!("{} is already naked...", self.名字());
} else {
println!("{} gets a haircut!", self.名字);
self.光着 = true;
// Implement the `Animal` trait for `绵羊`.
impl 动物 for 绵羊 {
// `Self` is the implementor type: `绵羊`.
fn new(名字: &'static str) -> 绵羊 {
绵羊 { 名字: 名字, 光着: false }
fn 名字(&self) -> &'static str {
fn 嘶鸣(&self) -> &'static str {
if self.是否光着() {
} else {
// Default trait methods can be overridden.
fn 发声(&self) {
// For example, we can add some quiet contemplation.
println!("{} pauses briefly... {}", self.名字, self.嘶鸣());
fn main() {
// Type annotation is necessary in this case.
let mut 多利: 绵羊 = 动物::new("Dolly");
// TODO ^ Try removing the type annotations.